Joey Peters is a writer, cartoonist, community safety organizer. He’s a weird crank who has been off in his own world making weird crank stuff. He has been writing things for decades at this point and has a sizable back catalog of work. Slowly, he plans on adding all this stuff back on here.
If you want to follow him on social media, the only one he uses is Bsky at current and he's not too interested in moving to any of the other ones. Follow him at
Current Works

After a century of tumult peace and freedom has finally come to Earth and Mars. Mankind has begun the process of undoing the centuries of harm done to their home world and needs a new frontier for those still filled with wanderlust. Starship Gagarin is the first vessel set to explore out into that new frontier.
Thomas Kafando was elected chairman of the mission at Gagarin's first convention. He wants an exit to the stars to escape his fame. He's credited as the hero of the battle of the Citadel and the Aphrodite Coup, but he was just the right person at the wrong place and time. He will never know a moment of peace so long as he stays on Earth.
Lucy Drummond is his protege. She grew up in the squalor of the Citadel until rescued by Kafando and the International Safety Federation. She wants nothing more than to be the hero Tom won't admit he is. Emily Malex is one of the few Martians onboard and one of the crew's most adept, obsessive engineers. Conroy Hewitt is one of the ship's mixologists and is a master of managing spirits—both alcoholic and the morale of the crew. Julu Serpen is another Martian and another hero of the Aphrodite Coup. Where Lucy has undergone the best training the ISF can provide, Serpen has been in the field and in the middle of conflict since she was a child fighting in the Martian revolution.
Together they are mankind's best sent out on a mission to meet and befriend intelligent aliens out in the cosmos.
Two hundred years ago the Union of Sovereign Planets helped the Tuariskeagn people resettle on their home world, Kwegaigh, and ever since the conflict between them and the other intelligent life on the planet, the Santosians, has simmered and occasionally boiled over. The Tuariskeagn are more technologically advanced and they have been at work uplifting the technologically inferior Santosians, who very pointedly do not want this "help." The USP has helped maintain the uneasy peace, but the arrival of Starship Gagarin upsets the balance. Will Gagarin and her crew be dragged into a centuries old conflict? Will the USP maintain control of the situation?
Or will the Dissidents of Utopia, a clandestine illegal underground aid organization finally get their wish and push Kwegaigh into civil war?
Joey is currently hard at work on Refugees from Utopia, Book 2 of the Dissidents of Utopia saga.
Classic Works
Stardust the Super-Wizard
Stardust the Super-Wizard is a bizarre alien god that sprang from the mind of Golden Age of Comics creator Fletcher Hanks. He was a real character who really appeared in Fantastic Comics and Big Three Comics in the late 1930’s and early 1940’s. The thing about comics in that era is that while Superman and Batman became massive franciseses that persist to this day, most of the comics created in that time were orphaned and forgotten. And such it went for Stardust, a minor curiosity completely forgotten and orphaned away from any copyright ownership. However, his bizarre stories were reprinted in the modern era (most famously by Paul Karasik) and have sparked new interest in the creations of Fletcher Hanks.
And that’s where Joey came in. He created several graphic novels inspired by Hanks’ original creations. In fact, he has produced more pages featuring Stardust the Super Wizard (and Hanks’ lumberjack vigilante Big Red McLane) than t he original creator himself.
A completely bold face serious take on Stardust. What if this mad alien god really came to Earth in 1940 and then, as quickly as he appeared disappeared back into the void. How would the world be different and how would this strange alien monster’s contact with humanity change it?
A history of American comic books told through the distorted lens of Stardust the Super Wizard. What if Stardust the Super-Wizard continued to exist through history? This is a collection of short stories that explore what would have happened if Stardust survived into the silver age of comics, the bronze age, was ripped off, parodied and ultimately reimagined.
WGL reimagines Hanks' other creation, Big Red McLane, as a lumber vigilante protecting Pacific City. He has an extensive secret base, lumber themed cars and planes and a rogue's gallery that threatens the stability of his chosen city. When his brothers Blue and Yellow McLane restart the World's Greatest Lumberjack competition all of his old villains come crawling out of the woodwork; Liver Eatin' Johnson, the Sasquatch, Johnny Murderseed and the Paul Bunyan Cult.
It is more an attempt to create a base version of Big Red McLane and his mythology as a base to build upon for the future.
When Santa Claus disappears it's up to the second string Christmas gift delivering deities to figure out where he went and how to save him: Saint Nicholas, Father Christmas, Grandfather Frost and the Kristkinder. Together they are the Santa Corps. You didn't think just one being delivered all those presents to all good Christian children, did you? Of course not. These winter gods must race against the clock through the world of mythology or Christmas will be ruined forever.
Joey has worked on many other comics. He'll get around to uploading them here eventually.
The original Stardust the Super Wizard comics have lapsed into the public domain. It's slightly complicated, but basically during the period they were produced you had to consciously renew a copyrighted work. The companies that published Fletcher Hanks' original work went out of business and no one bothered to buy the rights to the Stardust comics (and Hanks other work). As per the modern works, Joey Peters is an anti-copyright crank. You can do as you want with my contributions to the Fletcher Hanks universe; the name Rosemary Redgrave, Sunspot, Sirius the Star Dog, Black Hole/Nebula and all the rest. Use my works as the basis for any future works you like. I politely ask that you do not directly republish my comics pages, pending exceptions, in a commercial manner. Otherwise, go hog wild.