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Art and Writing by Joey Peters
Cover by Donna Martinez

The original Stardust the Super Wizard comics have lapsed into the public domain. It's slightly complicated, but basically during the period they were produced you had to consciously renew a copyrighted work. The companies that published Fletcher Hanks' original work went out of business and no one bothered to buy the rights to the Stardust comics (and Hanks other work). As per the modern works, Joey Peters is an anti-copyright crank. You can do as you want with my contributions to the Fletcher Hanks universe; the name Rosemary Redgrave, Sunspot, Sirius the Star Dog, Black Hole/Nebula and all the rest. Use my works as the basis for any future works you like. I politely ask that you do not directly republish my comics pages in a commercial manner. Otherwise, go hog wild.